Music Club NY City Tour
Mercer Musicians Traveled to New York City for a Trip of a Lifetime
Seven students traveled with Mr. Erickson, Mrs. Karpen, Mrs. Miller (and Mrs. Karpen's granddaughter Lexani), to New York City for three days immersed in music and culture.
On the first day, they visited the world-famous Broadway to see the musical, "The Lion King." Many of the group quoted this experience as their favorite of the trip because the performance and spectacle were out of this world.

On Day Two, tey visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island during the day. And then later that evening they saw a show at a legendary jazz club.
This was Mr. Erickson's personal favorite of the trip. "It was a vibe," he said.

On the 3rd day, before catching their flight home, they visited the 9/11 Memorial and saw ground zero.
Of the trip, Mr. Erickson said, "I was very impressed by the manner in which students conducted themselves and enjoyed watching them experience new things and broaden their horizons."